Welcome to my world of nature and soul. Let’s talk about securing a supply of good wholesome food for you and your children, friends, and community.
I’m an organic food certifier who opened-up my first natural food co-op in Quebec, Canada during 1974. I also am a Rabbi who soon afterward taught my first Kabbalah class in a loft in Chelsea, Manhattan.
The Organic lifestyle is my passion – propelled by the ongoing quest to live clean, healthy, and to help care for and steward the world into the future. Spirituality is my passion as well – to be better than I was yesterday – more truthful, open, my quest for something beyond the obvious world we see on the surface. I live an interesting fusion of nature and beyond, of food systems for the body and food systems for the soul. I admit to looking at things a little outside the norm of either discipline….
I am currently researching pesticides. We bump-into them a lot in certification, in residue testing or proposals by clients. The strategy used to reach the necessary yields to feed the billions of people in our world opens-up a fascinating discussion about our present-day food chain. Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are all mostly chemically-based, politically very hot, and for most people though, the subject is of a cool or icy low interest. Yet, when we delve into the world of pest-management you will truly discover a broad nexus of nature and human psychology, beliefs and spiritual practices which add up to an amazing mystery about the world we live in!
Together, in the weeks ahead, we’ll explore the industry behind growing your food…we’ll uncover how the contribution of organic food production propels an evolving alternative paradigm to shape the landscape of food and the environment. You’ll visualize how your food is grown, what you eat every day without knowing it, and the impact which this system can have on your health. Most important you can maximize your well-being by managing what, how, and even when you eat!
I also look forward to hearing from you and share what you think.
Embrace the blessing of Health!
Reuven Flamer, Executive Director